Magical Thinking - As soon as you tell yourself, 'I’m beaten. There's no way to ....

As soon as you tell yourself, 'I’m beaten. There's no way to conquer this problem," negative thoughts are attracted, and each of these helps convince you, that you are right, that you are whipped.

Believe instead, "There is a way to solve this problem," and positive thoughts rush into your mind to help you find a solution.

Most of those who fail, will say, "Competition was just too much. We had no choice but to quit."  

The real problem is that when most people hit the TAR (things are rough) barrier, they think only defeat and so they are defeated.

When you believe there is a way, you automatically convert negative energy (let's quit, let's go back) into positive energy (let's keep going, let's move ahead).

A problem, a difficulty, becomes unsolvable only when you think it is unsolvable. 

Attract solutions by believing solutions are possible.

Refuse, simply refuse, to even let yourself say or think that it's impossible.

Often we stay so close to a problem for so long that we can't see new solutions or new approaches.

When you hit a snag, don't throw up the whole project. Instead, back off, get mentally refreshed. Try something as simple as playing some music or taking a walk or a short nap.
Then, when you tackle it again, the solution often comes almost before you know it.

Remember, you see in any situation what you expect to see.
See the good side and conquer defeat. 
All things do work together for good, if you'll just develop clear vision.

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