Magical Thinking - Always give people more than, they ....

Always give people more than, they expect to get.

''I'm activated" attitude & "You are important" attitude will carry you forward to success

1.     Grow the ''I'm activated" attitude. Results come in proportion to the enthusiasm invested.
Three things to do· to activate yourself are:
·         Dig into it deeper. When you find yourself uninterested in something, dig in and learn more about it. This sets off enthusiasm.
·         Life up everything about you: Your smiles, your handshake, your talk, even your walk. Act alive.
·         Broadcast good news. No' one ever accomplished anything positive, by telling bad news.

2.     Grow the "You are important" attitude. People do more for you when you make them feel important.
Three Things to do, to make other’s feel important are:
·         Show appreciation at every opportunity.
·         Make people feel important.

·         Call people by name.

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