Magical Thinking - Much lack of self-confidence, can be traced directly to ....

Much lack of self-confidence, can be traced directly to a mismanaged memory

Deposit only positive thoughts in your memory bank

Unsuccessful and successful people deal with these situations in directly opposite ways
Unsuccessful people take them to heart, so to speak. The unpleasant situation is the last thing they think about.
Successful people specialize in putting positive thoughts into their memory bank

Negative, unpleasant thoughts deposited in your mind affect your mind the same way.
Negative thoughts produce needless wear and tear on your mental motor

Negative thoughts create worry, frustration, and feelings of Inferiority

Negative thoughts put you beside the road while others drive ahead

When you're driving your car or eating alone or alone, recall pleasant, positive experiences. Put good thoughts in your memory bank

Just before you go to sleep,
Deposit good thoughts in your memory bank.
Count your blessings.
Recall the many good things you have to be thankful for: your wife or husband, your children, your friends, your health.
Recall the good things you saw people do today.
Recall your little victories and accomplishments.
Go over the reasons why you are glad to be alive

Destroy the negative thoughts, before those thoughts become mental monsters

A person can make a mental monster out of almost any unpleasant happening

Think of and write down three specific reasons you felt happy during past times

Whether the psychological problem is big or little, the cure comes when one learns to quit drawing negatives from one's memory bank and withdraws positives instead

When you remember situations of any kind, concentrate on the good part of the experience; forget the bad. Bury it.
If you find yourself thinking about the negative side, turn your mind off completely.

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