Magical Thinking - Restricting your social environment to the same small group, produces ....

Restricting your social environment to the same small group, produces boredom, dullness, dissatisfaction

Your success-building program requires that you become an expert in understanding people

Make new friends, join new organizations outside your professional world, and enlarge your social orbit

Associate with opposites who have different interest. But just be sure they are persons with real potential

Do select friends who stand above petty, unimportant things

Select friends, who are interested in positive things, friends who really do want to see you succeed

Find friends, who breathe encouragement into your plans and ideals

Talk with People. Some conversation makes you feel like a winner

Gossip is just negative conversation about people. Avoid that.

Person who seems to get a form of poisoned joy, from talking negatively about others, not knowing that, to successful people, he is becoming increasingly unlikable, and unreliable

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