Magical Thinking - To get high-quality work, be ....

To get high-quality work, be enthusiastic about the job you want done.
Others will catch the enthusiasm you generate and you'll get first-class performance

Our superiors evaluate us by measuring the quality and quantity of output we get, from those reporting to us

To be on top, you've got to feel like you're on top

Give yourself a pep talk and discover how much bigger and stronger you feel

Instead of developing courage, do not develop fear

Practice uplifting self-praise
Don't practice belittling self-punishment

You are what you think you are. Think more of yourself and there is more of you

Every day, you and I see half-alive people, who are no longer sold on themselves.
The half-alive person needs to be resold on himself.
He needs to realize that he's a first-class person. He needs honest, sincere belief in himself.

Don't be shy in describing yourself

Don't accept the judgment of average people. You are not average

In all of life's situations, ask yourself, "Is this the way, an important person thinks?" Then obey the answer

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