Magical Thinking - When your mind works, one way, it can carry you forward to ....

When your mind works, one way, it can carry you forward to outstanding success.
But the same mind operating in a different manner, can produce a total failure

The body reflects the diet fed the body.
Physical stamina, resistance to disease, body size, even how long we live, are all closely related to what we eat.

The body is, what the body is fed

The mind is, what the mind is fed 

The kind of mind food we consume, determines our habits, attitudes, personality

Much of the difference in job performance, is the result of the difference in the mind food

You are a product of your environment

More important, the size of your thinking, your goals, your attitudes, your very personality is formed by your environment

Prolonged association with negative people, makes us think negatively

Close contact with petty individuals, develops petty habits in us

Companionship with people with big ideas, raises the level of our thinking

Close contact with ambitious people, gives us ambition.

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