Magical Thinking - Don't let negative thinkers, pull you down to ....

Don't let negative thinkers, pull you down to their level 

Cling to people who think progressively. Move upward with them

Some people work, because they "have to".
Others are ambitious and work for advancement

Some associates belittle everything, the boss says or does.
Others are much more objective and realize they must be good followers, before they can be good leaders

How we think, is directly affected by the group we're in.

Many ambitious fellows have been laughed at, even threatened, because they tried to be more efficient and produce more. Let's face it.

You can do it, simply by thinking right!

There's a lot of incorrect thinking, that successful people are inaccessible.
As a rule, it's the more successful people who are the most humble and ready to help.

Go first class when you have questions.
Seeking advice from a failure person is like consulting a quack, on how to cure cancer.

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