What is Faith? What is Belief? What is Trust?

Most of the time, I could not get clear understanding of these words - "Faith", "Trust", "Belief"

I found several websites trying to explain, but not convinced me fully.

Finally, I found an answer to myself. Doctorate !! Looks satisfactory to me at least. Your thoughts are welcome.

Generally Faith is far better than Trust and Belief.  There is a proverb "Faith can move mountains"

Trust is far better than Belief but not better than Faith.

Belief is great, but not better than Trust or Faith.

Example I could think of, is simple, but you may feel funny.


I was walking on the street, saw a street dog nearby. I was little scared. But, developed belief inside me. Believed that dog won't bite me and started walking confidently.

Advantage in belief - Belief can erase fear. Helps in moving forward in life.

Disadvantage in belief - It can fail. The other party/environment can go against. Dog can bite.

If you say - "I believe my spouse". It's great. But there is a chance of failure. Belief cannot work always.

Suggestion:  Never Say "I believe" - if you are not ready to fail in any case


I entered my home, saw my pet dog. I was not scared and know each other well enough. I trust, it won’t bite me.

Advantage in trust - its far better than Belief. Helps in moving forward in life. There is some mutual understanding.

Disadvantage in Trust - It can also fail, if expectation fails. If you don’t give food and start biting for just few days, Dog may lose the trust it had developed for years and may bite you.  

If you say - "I trust my spouse". It’s great. But, there is a chance of failure/divorce, if you or your spouse expectation is not met. Irrespective of years good things happened, few incidents which affects the expectations may lead to big failures.

Suggestion:  Never Say "I Trust" - if you are not confident to meet expectation all time.


I was walking near a Caged Lion in a zoo, I was not scared at all. I had a strong faith that I will never be bitten.

Advantage in Faith - It is supreme confidence and makes you move forward in life. Faith can’t fail. That’s why, People those who have faith in God, stay theist. People those who have belief or trust in God, may get turned to atheist, if anything happens.

Faith comes only if the you see, circumstance or even your behavior cant affect/spoil your partner.

If you say - "I have faith in my spouse" - Its awesome. Because, even if you do mistakes or even if circumstance does not look good to run the life, your spouse is so generous to forgive and stay with you.

Fortunately, this happens at majority % in INDIA, a proud nation.

Faith don’t have any negatives.

Any comments or contradict my view.

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