Magical Thinking - Think of something special you've been wanting to do, but felt, You couldn't ....

Think of something special you've been wanting to do, but felt, You couldn't.  
Now make a list of reasons why you can do it.

Become receptive to ideas. Welcome new ideas

Each day before you begin work, devote ten minutes to ASK Yourself
1.       "What can I do today to encourage my employees?"
2.       "What special favor can I do for my customers?"
3.       "How can I increase my personal efficiency?"

Are u Saying “I Don’t have Time?” 
1.       Reduce your time spent on trips to the Store, Watching TV, Reduce usage of Telephone etc.,
2.       Stop those Time Killers. You will get time.

When you really believe you can do more, your mind thinks creatively and shows you the way

All the successful, competent people are busy, but still they make time to do lot of things.

In dozens of instances, a busy man delivers. But we have often been disappointed in working with people who have "all the time in the world."

Top-level leaders in all walks of life, spend much more time requesting advice than they do in giving it

Rub shoulders-and minds-with other success-oriented people

Association with people, who have different job interests, broadens your thinking and helps you to see the big picture.

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