Magical Thinking - Excellent ideas are not enough ....

Excellent ideas are not enough.
An only fair idea acted upon, and developed, is 100 percent better than a terrific idea that dies because it isn't followed up.

Nothing comes merely by thinking about it

The successful people are active, unsuccessful are passive

Successful people takes action. Unsuccessful People postpones doing things, until they have proved they shouldn't or can't do or until it's too late

Successful people do plan. He put it into action. Unsuccessful People do plan. But they normally postpones it, until "next" year

Successful People decide and stay strong and put into action. Unsuccessful people thinks it is a good idea to decide, but they finds ways to postpone

Successful people finds a way to congratulate others. Unsuccessful people finds a way to put others off.

Successful people decides he wants to take up a new line of work. He does. Unsuccessful people debates himself out of doing anything about it.

Successful people gets the things done he wants done, and as by-products he gains confidence, a feeling of inner security; self-reliance, and more income.
Unsuccessful people doesn't get the things done he wants, because he won't act. As by-products he loses confidence in himself, destroys his self-reliance, lives in mediocrity.

Successful people does.
Unsuccessful people is going to do but doesn't.

Everyone wants to be Successful. So let's turn the action as habit and get into the action.

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