Magical Thinking - Five weapons are used to commit "success suicide".....

Five weapons are used to commit "success suicide". 
Destroy them. They're dangerous to achieve Success.

1.      Self depreciation. You have heard dozens of people say,
"I would like to be a doctor (or an executive or a commercial artist or ill business for myself) but I can't do it."
"I lack brains."
'I will fail if I tried."
"I lack the education and! Or experience."
Many young folks destroy desire with the old negative self-depreciation.

2. "Security-itis." Persons who say, 'I have got security where I am" use the security weapons to murder their dreams.

3. Competition.
 "The field is already overcrowded,"
"People in that field are standing on top of each other" are remarks which kill desire fast.

4. Parental dictation. I've heard hundreds of young people explain their career choice with 'I’d really like to prepare for something else, but my parents want me to do this so I must." Most parents, I believe, do not intentionally dictate to their children what they must do. What all intelligent parents want is to see their children live successfully. If the young person will patiently explain why he or she prefers a different career, and if the parent will listen, there will be no friction. The objectives of both the parent and the young person for the young person's career are identical: success.

5. Family responsibility. The attitude of "It would have been wise for me to change over five years ago, but now I've got a family and I can't change," illustrates this kind of desire murder weapon.

Throwaway those murder weapons! 

Remember, the only way to get full power, to develop full go force, is to do what you want to do..

Surrender to desire and gain energy; enthusiasm, mental zip, and even better health.
And it's never too late to let desire take over.

The overwhelming majority of really successful people work much longer than forty hours a week. And you don't hear them complain of overwork. 

Successful people have their eyes focused on a goal, and this provides energy.

The point is this: Energy increases, multiplies, when you set a desired goal and resolve to work toward that goal.

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