Magical Thinking - Many people, millions of them, can find new energy by selecting a ....

Many people, millions of them, can find new energy by selecting a goal and giving all they've got to accomplish that goal. 

Goals cure boredom. 
Goals even cure many chronic ailments.

Let's probe a little deeper into the power of goals.

When you surrender yourself to your desires, when you let yourself become obsessed with a goal, you receive the physical power, energy; and enthusiasm needed to accomplish your goal.

You receive the "automatic instrumentation" needed to keep you going straight to your objective.

The most amazing thing about a deeply entrenched goal, is that, it keeps you on course to reach your target. This isn't double-talk. What happens is this.

When you surrender to your goal, the goal works itself into your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is always in balance.

Your conscious mind is not, unless it is in tune with what your subconscious mind is thinking.

Without full cooperation from the subconscious mind, a person is hesitant, confused, and indecisive. 

Now, with your goal absorbed into your subconscious mind you react the right way automatically.
The conscious mind is free for clear, straight thinking.

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