Magical Thinking - Make up your mind, to do something about your ....

Make up your mind, to do something about your ideas

Ideas are important. Let's make no mistake about that. 

We must have ideas to create and improve anything. 
Success shuns the man who lacks ideas.

Ideas in themselves are not enough. 
That idea for getting more business, for simplifying work procedures, is of value only, when it is acted upon

Every day thousands of people bury good ideas, because they are afraid to act on them.

·         First, give your ideas value, by acting on them.
·         Second, act on your ideas and gain mind tranquility

A good idea if not acted upon, produces terrible psychological pain.
But a good idea acted upon, brings enormous mental satisfaction.
Got a good idea? Then do something about it.

Use action to cure fear and gain confidence.

Here's something to remember.
  • Action feeds and strengthens confidence; inaction in all forms feeds fear.
  • To fight fear, act. To increase fear, wait, put off, postpone.

Waiting, even makes the experts, nervous.

Action cures fear

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