Magical Thinking - Recognize the fact that no person is perfect ....

1.      Recognize the fact that no person is perfect. Some people are more nearly perfect than others, but no man is absolutely perfect. The most human quality about human beings is that, they make mistakes, all kinds of them.

2.      Recognize the fact that the other fellow, has a right to be different. Never dislike people because their habits are different from your own or because they prefer different clothes, religion, parties, or automobiles. You don't have to approve of what another fellow does, but you must not dislike him for doing it.

3.      Don't be a reformer. Put a little more "live and let live" into your philosophy. Most people intensely dislike being told "you're wrong." You have a right to your own opinion, but sometimes it's better to keep it to yourself.

Accept people for what they are, neither 100 percent good nor 100 percent bad
What a dull world, this would be, if people were all alike and everybody was perfect

No person is all good and no person is all bad. The perfect person just doesn't exist

If we let our thinking go uncontrolled, we can find much to dislike in almost anyone.

If we manage our thinking properly; if we think right toward people, we can find many qualities to like and admire in the same person.

If you listen to your negative channel in your mind, you're almost certain to make some bad, perhaps fatal, mistake in your relations with others

If you are tuned to positive Channel in your mind, you are definitely certain, to benefit from other's suggestions and at the same time draw yourself closer to them

Bear in mind that the longer you stay tuned to either +ve Channel or –ve Channel, the more interested you become and the harder it is to switch channels

This is true because one thought positive or negative, sets off a whole chain reaction of similar thought.

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