Magical Thinking - Experts agree that the person you are today, are largely the result of your ....

Experts agree that the person you are today, your personality, ambitions, and present status in life, are largely the result of your psychological environment.

Experts agree also that, the person you will be one, five, ten, twenty years from now depends almost entirely on your future environment

Obstacle on the road to high-level success is, the feeling that major accomplishment is beyond reach

We must fight off the suppressive influences of our environment

Big men do not laugh at big Ideas

People, who tell you it cannot be done, almost always, are unsuccessful people, are strictly average or mediocre at best in terms of accomplishment
The opinions of these people can be poison

Develop a defense against people, who want to convince you that, you can't do it

Accept negative advice, only as a challenge to prove that, you can do it

Don’t let negative thinking people-"Negators" -- destroy your plan to think yourself to success

Negators are everywhere – Beware

Negators feel inadequate themselves, so they want to make a mediocre person out of you.
Be extra careful. Study negators. Don't let them destroy your plans for success.

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